Module Neuron.Activation

type typ = Make_Embedded(A).Neuron.Activation.typ =
  1. | Elu
  2. | Relu
  3. | Sigmoid
  4. | HardSigmoid
  5. | Softmax of int
  6. | Softplus
  7. | Softsign
  8. | Tanh
  9. | Relu6
  10. | LeakyRelu of float
  11. | TRelu of float
  12. | Custom of Optimise.Algodiff.t -> Optimise.Algodiff.t
  13. | None
type neuron_typ = Make_Embedded(A).Neuron.Activation.neuron_typ = {
  1. mutable activation : typ;
  2. mutable in_shape : int array;
  3. mutable out_shape : int array;
val create : typ -> neuron_typ
val connect : int array -> neuron_typ -> unit
val run_activation : Optimise.Algodiff.t -> typ -> Optimise.Algodiff.t
val copy : neuron_typ -> neuron_typ
val activation_to_string : typ -> string
val to_string : neuron_typ -> string
val to_name : unit -> string