Module Optimise.Learning_Rate

type typ = Owl_neural_neuron.Make(Owl_optimise_generic.Make(Owl_algodiff_generic.Make(A))).Optimise.Learning_Rate.typ =
  1. | Adagrad of float
  2. | Const of float
  3. | Decay of float * float
  4. | Exp_decay of float * float
  5. | RMSprop of float * float
  6. | Adam of float * float * float
  7. | Schedule of float array
val run : typ -> int -> Algodiff.t -> Algodiff.t array -> Algodiff.t
val default : typ -> typ
val update_ch : typ -> Algodiff.t -> Algodiff.t array -> Algodiff.t array
val to_string : typ -> string