Complex dense matrix module: this module supports operations on dense matrices of complex numbers. The complex number has a record type of {re = float; im = float}
This page only contains detailed explanations for the operations specific to Dense.Complex module. Most of the other operations are the same to those in Dense.Real module, therefore please refer to the documentation of Dense.Real for more information.
type mat =
(Stdlib.Complex.t, Stdlib.Bigarray.complex64_elt) Owl_dense_matrix_generic.t
type cast_mat = (float, Stdlib.Bigarray.float64_elt) Owl_dense_matrix_generic.t
include Owl_dense_matrix_intf.Common with type elt := elt and type mat := mat
val empty : int -> int -> mat
val zeros : int -> int -> mat
val ones : int -> int -> mat
val eye : int -> mat
val bernoulli : ?p:float -> int -> int -> mat
val unit_basis : int -> int -> mat
val hadamard : int -> mat
val magic : int -> mat
val vector : int -> mat
val vector_zeros : int -> mat
val vector_ones : int -> mat
val vector_uniform : int -> mat
val shape : mat -> int * int
val row_num : mat -> int
val col_num : mat -> int
val numel : mat -> int
val nnz : mat -> int
val density : mat -> float
val size_in_bytes : mat -> int
val get_fancy : Owl_types.index list -> mat -> mat
val set_fancy : Owl_types.index list -> mat -> mat -> unit
val reset : mat -> unit
val swap_rows : mat -> int -> int -> unit
val swap_cols : mat -> int -> int -> unit
val top : mat -> int -> int array array
val bottom : mat -> int -> int array array
val argsort :
mat ->
(int64, Stdlib.Bigarray.int64_elt, Stdlib.Bigarray.c_layout)
val is_zero : mat -> bool
val is_positive : mat -> bool
val is_negative : mat -> bool
val is_nonpositive : mat -> bool
val is_nonnegative : mat -> bool
val is_normal : mat -> bool
val not_nan : mat -> bool
val not_inf : mat -> bool
val save : out:string -> mat -> unit
val load : string -> mat
val save_txt : ?sep:string -> ?append:bool -> out:string -> mat -> unit
val load_txt : ?sep:string -> string -> mat
val save_npy : out:string -> mat -> unit
val load_npy : string -> mat
val bernoulli_ : ?p:float -> out:mat -> unit
val zeros_ : out:mat -> unit
val ones_ : out:mat -> unit
val sort_ : mat -> unit