Dataframe for Tabular Data
Dataframe is a popular way to manipulate data. It originates from R’s dataframe and is widely implemented in many mainstream libraries such as Pandas. Essentially, a dataframe is simple container of the data that can be represented as a table.
Different from the matrices in numerical computing, data stored in a dataframe are not necessarily numbers but a mixture of different types. The flexibility of dataframe largely comes from the dynamic typing inherently offered in a language. Due to OCaml’s static type checking, this poses greatest challenges to Owl when we were trying to introduce the similar functionality.
It becomes an art when balancing between flexibility and efficiency in designing the programming interface. This article covers the design of Dataframe module and its basic usage.
Basic Concepts
The dataframe functionality is implemented in Owl’s Dataframe module. Owl views a dataframe as a collection of time series data, and each series corresponds to one column in the table. All series must have the same length and each has a unique column head. In the following, we use series and column interchangeably.
Owl packs each series into a unified type called series
and stores them in an array. As you can already see, dataframe is column-based so accessing columns is way more efficient than accessing rows. The Dataframe module only provides basic functionality to create, access, query, and iterate the data in a frame. We need to combine dataframe with the numerical functions in Stats
module to reach its full capability. Essentially, Pandas is a bundle of table manipulation and basic statistical functions.
Create Frames
Dataframes can be created in various ways. Dataframe.make
is the core function if we can to create a frame dynamically. For example, the following code creates a frame consisting of three columns include “name”, “age”, and “salary” of four people.
let name = Dataframe.pack_string_series [|"Alice"; "Bob"; "Carol"; "David"|]
let age = Dataframe.pack_int_series [|20; 25; 30; 35|]
let salary = Dataframe.pack_float_series [|2200.; 2100.; 2500.; 2800.|]
let frame = Dataframe.make [|"name"; "age"; "salary"|] ~data:[|name; age; salary|]
If you run the code in utop
, Owl can pretty print out the dataframe in the following format. If the frame grows too long or too wide, Owl is smart enough to truncate them automatically and present the table nicely in the toplevel.
# Owl_pretty.pp_dataframe Format.std_formatter frame;;
name age salary
R0 Alice 20 2200.
R1 Bob 25 2100.
R2 Carol 30 2500.
R3 David 35 2800.
- : unit = ()
In fact, you do not necessarily need to pass in the data when calling make
function. You can make an empty frame by just passing in head names.
let empty_frame = Dataframe.make [|"name"; "age"; "salary"|];;
Try the code, and you will see Owl prints out an empty table.
Manipulate Frames
There are a comprehensive set of table manipulation functions implemented in Dataframe module. We will go through them briefly in this section.
Now that Owl allows us to create empty frames, it certainly provides functions to dynamically add new columns.
let job = Dataframe.pack_string_series [|"Engineer"; "Driver"; "Lecturer"; "Manager"|] in
Dataframe.append_col frame job "job";;
let gender = Dataframe.pack_string_series [|"female"; "male"; "female"; "male"|] in
Dataframe.append_col frame gender "gender";;
let location = Dataframe.pack_string_series [|"Cambridge, UK"; "Helsinki, FIN"; "London, UK"; "Prague, CZ"|] in
Dataframe.append_col frame location "location";;
From the output, we can see that the “job” column has been appended to the end of the previously defined dataframe.
# Owl_pretty.pp_dataframe Format.std_formatter frame;;
name age salary job gender location
R0 Alice 20 2200. Engineer female Cambridge, UK
R1 Bob 25 2100. Driver male Helsinki, FIN
R2 Carol 30 2500. Lecturer female London, UK
R3 David 35 2800. Manager male Prague, CZ
- : unit = ()
We can even concatenate two dataframes. Depending on concatenating direction, there are a couple of things worth our attention:
- when two dataframes are concatenated vertically, they must have the same number of columns and consistent column types; The head names of the first argument will be used in the new dataframe;
- when two dataframes are concatenated horizontally, they must have the same number of rows; all the columns of two dataframes must have unique names.
For example, the following code adds two new entries to the table by concatenating two dataframes vertically.
let name = Dataframe.pack_string_series [|"Erin"; "Frank"|];;
let age = Dataframe.pack_int_series [|22; 24|];;
let salary = Dataframe.pack_float_series [|3600.; 5500.;|];;
let job = Dataframe.pack_string_series [|"Researcher"; "Consultant"|];;
let gender = Dataframe.pack_string_series [|"male"; "male"|];;
let location = Dataframe.pack_string_series [|"New York, US"; "Beijing, CN"|];;
let frame_1 = Dataframe.make [|"name"; "age"; "salary"; "job"; "gender"; "location"|]
~data:[|name; age; salary; job; gender; location|];;
let frame_2 = Dataframe.concat_vertical frame frame_1;;
The new dataframe looks like the following.
# Owl_pretty.pp_dataframe Format.std_formatter frame_2;;
name age salary job gender location
R0 Alice 20 2200. Engineer female Cambridge, UK
R1 Bob 25 2100. Driver male Helsinki, FIN
R2 Carol 30 2500. Lecturer female London, UK
R3 David 35 2800. Manager male Prague, CZ
R4 Erin 22 3600. Researcher male New York, US
R5 Frank 24 5500. Consultant male Beijing, CN
- : unit = ()
However, if you just want to append one or two rows, the previous method seems a bit overkill. Instead, you can call Dataframe.append_row
# let new_row = Dataframe.([|
pack_string "Erin";
pack_int 22;
pack_float 2300.;
pack_string "Researcher";
pack_string "male";
pack_string "New York, US" |])
Dataframe.append_row frame new_row;;
- : unit = ()
There are also functions allow you to retrieve the properties, for example:
val copy : t -> t (* return the copy of a dataframe. *)
val row_num : t -> int (* return the number of rows. *)
val col_num : t -> int (* return the number of columns. *)
val shape : t -> int * int (* return the shape of a dataframe. *)
val numel : t -> int (* return the number of elements. *)
The module applies several optimisation techniques to accelerate the operations on dataframes. You can refer to the API reference for the complete function list.
Query Frames
We can use various functions in the module to retrieve the information from a dataframe. The basic get
and set
function treats the dataframe like a matrix. We need to specify the row and column index to retrieve the value of an element.
# Dataframe.get frame 2 1;;
- : Dataframe.elt = Owl.Dataframe.Int 30
The get_row
and get_col
(also get_col_by_name
) are used to obtain a complete row or column. For multiple rows and columns, there are also corresponding get_rows
and get_cols_by_name
Because each column has a name, we can also use head to retrieve information. However, we still need to pass in the row index because rows are not associated with names.
# Dataframe.get_by_name frame 2 "salary";;
- : Dataframe.elt = Owl.Dataframe.Float 2500.
We can use the head
and tail
functions to retrieve only the beginning or end of the dataframe. The results will be returned as a new dataframe. We can also use the more powerful functions like get_slice
or get_slice_by_name
if we are interested in the data within a dataframe. The slice definition used in these two functions is the same as that used in Owl’s Ndarray modules.
# Dataframe.get_slice_by_name ([1;2], ["name"; "age"]) frame;;
- : Dataframe.t =
name age
R0 Bob 25
R1 Carol 30
Iterate, Map, and Filter
How can we miss the classic iteration functions in the functional programming? Dataframe includes the following methods to traverse the rows in a dataframe. We did not include any method to traverse columns because they can be simply extracted out as series then processed separately.
val iteri_row : (int -> elt array -> unit) -> t -> unit
val iter_row : (elt array -> unit) -> t -> unit
val mapi_row : (int -> elt array -> elt array) -> t -> t
val map_row : (elt array -> elt array) -> t -> t
val filteri_row : (int -> elt array -> bool) -> t -> t
val filter_row : (elt array -> bool) -> t -> t
val filter_mapi_row : (int -> elt array -> elt array option) -> t -> t
val filter_map_row : (elt array -> elt array option) -> t -> t
Applying these functions to a dataframe is rather straightforward. All the elements in a row are packed into elt
type, it is a programmer’s responsibility to unpack them properly in the passed-in function.
One interesting thing worth mentioning here is that there are several functions are associated with extended indexing operators. This allows us to write quite concise code in our application.
val ( .%( ) ) : t -> int * string -> elt
(* associated with `get_by_name` *)
val ( .%( )<- ) : t -> int * string -> elt -> unit
(* associated with `set_by_name` *)
val ( .?( ) ) : t -> (elt array -> bool) -> t
(* associated with `filter_row` *)
val ( .?( )<- ) : t -> (elt array -> bool) -> (elt array -> elt array) -> t
(* associated with `filter_map_row` *)
val ( .$( ) ) : t -> int list * string list -> t
(* associated with `get_slice_by_name` *)
Let’s present several examples to demonstrate how to use them. We can first pass in row index and head name tuple in %()
to access cells.
open Dataframe;;
(* return Bob's age. *)
frame.%(2,"salary") <- pack_float 3000.;;
(* change Carol's salary to 3000. *)
The operator .?()
provides a shortcut to filter out the rows satisfying the passed-in predicate and returns the results in a new dataframe. For example, the following code filters out the people who are younger than 30.
# frame.?(fun r -> unpack_int r.(1) < 30);;
- : t =
name age salary job gender location
R0 Alice 20 2200. Engineer female Cambridge, UK
R1 Bob 25 2100. Driver male Helsinki, FIN
R2 Erin 22 2300. Researcher male New York, US
The cool thing about .?()
is that you can chain the filters up like below. The code first filters out the people younger than 30, then further filter out whose salary is higher than 2100.
frame.?(fun r -> unpack_int r.(1) < 30)
.?(fun r -> unpack_float r.(2) > 2100.);;
It is also possible to filter out some rows then make some modifications. For example, we want to filter out those people older than 25, then raise their salary by 5%. We can achieve this in two ways. First, we can use filter_map_row
let predicate x =
let age = unpack_int x.(1) in
if age > 25 then (
let old_salary = unpack_float x.(2) in
let new_salary = pack_float (old_salary *. 1.1) in
x.(2) <- new_salary;
Some x
filter_map_row predicate frame;;
Alternatively, we can use the .?( )<-
indexing operator. The difference is that we now need to define two functions - one (i.e. check
function) for checking the predicate and one (i.e. modify
function) for modifying the passed-in rows.
let check x = unpack_int x.(1) > 25;;
let modify x =
let old_salary = unpack_float x.(2) in
let new_salary = pack_float (old_salary *. 1.1) in
x.(2) <- new_salary;
frame.?(check) <- modify;;
Running the code will give you the same result as that of calling filter_map_row
function, but the way of structuring code becomes slightly different.
Finally, you can also use $.()
operator to replace get_slice_by_name
function to retrieve a slice of dataframe.
# frame.$([0;2], ["name"; "salary"]);;
- : t =
name salary
R0 Alice 2200.
R1 Bob 2100.
R2 Carol 3000.
Read/Write CSV Files
CSV (Comma-Separated Values) is a common format to store tabular data. The module provides simple support to process CSV files. The two core functions are as follows.
val of_csv : ?sep:char -> ?head:string array -> ?types:string array -> string -> t
val to_csv : ?sep:char -> t -> string -> unit
function loads a CSV file into in-memory dataframe while to_csv
writes a dataframe into CSV file on the disk. In both functions, we can use sep
to specify the separator, the default separator is chosen from context by identifying a character that yields the same number of columns for every row.
For of_csv
function, you can pass in the head names using head
argument; otherwise the first row of the CSV file will be used as head. types
argument is used to specify the type of each column in a CSV file. If types
is dropped, all the column will be treated as string series by default. Note the length of both head
and types
must match the actual number of columns in the CSV file.
The mapping between types
string and actual OCaml type is shown below:
: boolean values;i
: integer values;f
: float values;s
: string values;
The following examples are in a gist that contains code and several example CSV files.
The first example simply loads the funding.csv
file into a dataframe, then pretty prints out the table.
let fname = "funding.csv" in
let types = [|"s";"s";"f";"s";"s";"s";"s";"f";"s";"s"|] in
let df = Dataframe.of_csv ~sep:',' ~types fname in
Owl_pretty.pp_dataframe Format.std_formatter df
The result should look like this. We have truncated out some rows to save space here.
funding data in csv file
permalink company numEmps category city state fundedDate raisedAmt raisedCurrency round
R0 lifelock LifeLock nan web Tempe AZ 1-May-07 6850000. USD b
R1 lifelock LifeLock nan web Tempe AZ 1-Oct-06 6000000. USD a
R2 lifelock LifeLock nan web Tempe AZ 1-Jan-08 25000000. USD c
R3 mycityfaces MyCityFaces 7. web Scottsdale AZ 1-Jan-08 50000. USD seed
R4 flypaper Flypaper nan web Phoenix AZ 1-Feb-08 3000000. USD a
R5 infusionsoft Infusionsoft 105. software Gilbert AZ 1-Oct-07 9000000. USD a
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
R1450 cozi Cozi 26. software Seattle WA 1-Jun-08 8000000. USD c
R1451 trusera Trusera 15. web Seattle WA 1-Jun-07 2000000. USD angel
R1452 alerts-com nan web Bellevue WA 8-Jul-08 1200000. USD a
R1453 myrio Myrio 75. software Bothell WA 1-Jan-01 20500000. USD unattributed
R1454 grid-networks Grid Networks nan web Seattle WA 30-Oct-07 9500000. USD a
R1455 grid-networks Grid Networks nan web Seattle WA 20-May-08 10500000. USD b
The second example is slightly more complicated. It loads estate.csv
file then filters out the some rows with two predicates. You can see how the two predicates are chained up with .?()
indexing operator.
open Dataframe
let fname = "estate.csv" in
let d = (of_csv ~sep:',' fname)
.?(fun row -> unpack_string row.(7) = "Condo")
.?(fun row -> unpack_string row.(4) = "2")
Owl_pretty.pp_dataframe Format.std_formatter d
For more examples, please refer to the gist
Infer Type and Separator
We want to devote a bit more text to CSV files. In the previous section, when we use of_csv
function to load a CSV file, we explicitly pass in the separator and the types of all columns. However, both parameters are optional and can be skipped.
Dataframe is able to automatically detect the correct separator and the type of each column. Of course, it is possible that the detection mechanism fails but such probability is fairly low in many cases. Technically, Dataframe first tries a set of predefined separators to see which one can correctly separate the columns, and then it tries a sequence of types to find out which one is able to correctly unpack the elements of a column.
There are several technical things worth mentioning here:
- to be efficient, Dataframe only takes maximum the first 100 lines in the CSV file for inference;
- if there are missing values in a column of integer type, it falls back to float value because we can use
to represent missing values; - if the types have been decided based on the first 100 lines, any following lines containing the data of inconsistent type will be dropped.
With this capability, it is much easier to load a CSV to quickly investigate what is inside.
open Dataframe
let fname = "estate.csv" in
let df = Dataframe.of_csv fname in
Owl_pretty.pp_dataframe Format.std_formatter df
You can use the Dataframe.types
function to retrieve the types of all columns in a dataframe.
This chapter introduces the dataframe module in Owl, including its creating, manipulation, query, loading and saving, etc.
Comparing to those very mature libraries like Pandas, the Dataframe module in Owl is very young. We also try to keep its functionality minimal in the beginning to reserve enough space for future adjustment. The dataframe should only offer a minimal set of table manipulation functions, its analytical capability should come from the combination with other modules (e.g. Stats
) in Owl.