Module Owl_symbolic_types

type number_type =
| SNT_Noop
| SNT_Float
| SNT_Double
| SNT_Complex32
| SNT_Complex64
| SNT_Bool
| SNT_String
| SNT_Int8
| SNT_Int16
| SNT_Int32
| SNT_Int64
| SNT_Uint8
| SNT_Uint16
| SNT_Uint32
| SNT_Uint64
| SNT_Float16
| SNT_SEQ of number_type
val number_type_to_string : number_type -> string
type tensor = {
mutable dtype : number_type;
mutable shape : int array;
mutable str_val : string array option;
mutable flt_val : float array option;
mutable int_val : int array option;
mutable raw_val : bytes option;
type pad =
| PAD of int array
val make_tensor : ?⁠dtype:number_type -> ?⁠flt_val:float array -> ?⁠int_val:int array -> ?⁠str_val:string array -> ?⁠raw_val:bytes -> int array -> tensor
val get_tensor_dtype : tensor -> number_type
type activation =
| Relu
| Tanh
| Sigmoid
| Affine of float * float
| LeakyRelu of float
| ThresholdedRelu of float
| ScaledTanh of float * float
| HardSigmoid of float * float
| Elu of float
| Softsign
| Softplus
| Softmax of int
val activation_to_string : activation -> string
type nn_init =
| Uniform of float * float
| Gaussian of float * float
| Standard
| Tanh
type attrvalue =
| ATTR_Nil
| ATTR_Int of int
| ATTR_Bool of bool
| ATTR_Type of number_type
| ATTR_Float of float
| ATTR_Shape of int array
| ATTR_String of string
| ATTR_Tensor of tensor
| ATTR_Array of attrvalue array
| ATTR_NameArray of {
name : string;
attr : (string * attrvalue) array;
val get_attrvalue_int : attrvalue -> int
val get_attrvalue_float : attrvalue -> float
val get_attrvalue_type : attrvalue -> number_type
val get_attrvalue_shape : attrvalue -> int array
exception TYPE_CHECK of string
exception INVALID_NAME of string